Motor set at slow speed recommended for instrument, usually 150 250 rpm.
Use each instrument for only 5 10 seconds. Light apical pressure, using either a gentle
planing pressure, or a slight pecking motion depending upon the instrument design.
Use EDTA lubricant with each instrument. Copious irrigation with sodium hypochlorite
between instruments. Step down in sequence from the largest to the smallest. (NB This will depend upon which system is being used. If variable taper files have been selected, as in Fig. 5, then a 10% taper file will be used until resistance is felt, moving to an 8%, 6% and 4% until any of these reaches working length, depending upon the canal size. Alternatively, if a single taper, variable tip system has been selected, the largest tip size will be used first, reducing sizes as the canal is negotiated until, once
again, one instrument reaches working length.)
Use each instrument for only 5 10 seconds. Light apical pressure, using either a gentle
planing pressure, or a slight pecking motion depending upon the instrument design.
Use EDTA lubricant with each instrument. Copious irrigation with sodium hypochlorite
between instruments. Step down in sequence from the largest to the smallest. (NB This will depend upon which system is being used. If variable taper files have been selected, as in Fig. 5, then a 10% taper file will be used until resistance is felt, moving to an 8%, 6% and 4% until any of these reaches working length, depending upon the canal size. Alternatively, if a single taper, variable tip system has been selected, the largest tip size will be used first, reducing sizes as the canal is negotiated until, once
again, one instrument reaches working length.)