Sunday, January 1, 2012


In 1979, McSpadden devised a handpiece driven compactor, which is effectively an inverted Hedstroem file.
Fig. 9  a) Maillefer Gutta Condensors, with b) showing the apically directed thread structure.
Although no longer made, other similar devices, such as the gutta condensor (Fig. 9), are available. The frictional heat from the compactor plasticises the gutta-percha and the blades drive the softened material into the root canal under pressure. The main problem found was lack of control over the apical portion of the gutta percha, which may be extruded through the apex in its softened state. To overcome this problem, the technique was modified by Tagger, who recommended laterally condensing a master point and two or three accessory points, and then using the condensor to plasticise the gutta percha in the coronal part of the canal.

The laterally compacted material in the apical half effectively prevents any apical extrusion.
The technique is particularly useful for the rapid and effective obturation of the coronal part of a root canal after placement of an accurate apical seal.