Friday, December 23, 2011


Fig. 15  Vitapex intracanal dressing
Steroids are readily obtainable in the form of triamcinalone (Ledermix paste). The use of the paste for dressing an inflamed vital pulp prior to commencing root canal therapy is discussed in Part 3. Some authorities recommend the use of the paste as an intervisit medicament paste when severe periradicular inflammation is present. It is suggested that it may be wiped on the canal wall using a file or paper point which is then withdrawn; a small amount is then placed
Fig. 15  Vitapex intracanal dressing.
on a pledget of cotton wool and sealed into the pulp chamber between appointments. The author prefers to mix the paste with a calcium hydroxide preparation, adding a little sterile water or local anaesthetic to make the mixture slightly more fluid. The canals may then be completely filled with this mixture prior to placing a temporary coronal seal. Of course, no
intracanal medicament yet exists that will sterilise the root canal, and the importance of biomechanical preparation cannot be stressed too strongly.