Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Rubber dam forceps

Fig. 5  a) The second groove for removal of the rubber dam clamp, as shown in b).

The rubber dam forceps are used to carry the clamp to the tooth. The most frequently reported problem with rubber dam is that when the clamp has been expanded and placed on the tooth, the forceps are stuck in the clamp and cannot be removed! This is because the grooves in the tips of the forceps are too deep. These should be modified with a stone or sandpaper disc so that they just engage the clamp, but slide off easily. Most forceps have a second groove slightly distant from the tip, which may be used to remove the rubber dam clamp without re-engaging the holes (Figs 4 and 5).
There are several designs of forceps, and they may be employed with either an over-hand or under-hand grip   experimentation will reveal the most comfortable.