Gutta-percha is the most commonly used material for the obturation of the prepared root canal system. Standardized gutta-percha points correspond to the ISO sizing system with a 2% taper. Various other shapes are now available to complement the recently introduced increased taper filing systems (Fig 22). Gutta-percha is the dried resin of the Taban tree, and exists in two forms. Alpha phase is the natural form, but when heated and cooled the beta-phase results. This latter is normally used for root canal filling points.
Gutta-percha points in fact contain only about 20% gutta-percha. The major component
Fig. 21 Spiral fillers may fracture if the size is not verified passively before rotating in the canal.
is zinc oxide (up to 75%), with the remainder comprising various resins, waxes and metallic sulphates to the specific manufacturer s formula.
Gutta-percha points in fact contain only about 20% gutta-percha. The major component
Fig. 21 Spiral fillers may fracture if the size is not verified passively before rotating in the canal.
is zinc oxide (up to 75%), with the remainder comprising various resins, waxes and metallic sulphates to the specific manufacturer s formula.